Curriculum of SharePoint 2016 Designer Development Training
Module 01:Branding and Website Design
This module begins with an overview of branding, website design, and usability best practices. It poses essential questions that should be asked at the start of any SharePoint 2016 branding project, such as who is the intended audience and which browsers and devices should be supported. The module introduces the developer tools built into Chrome and the Internet Explorer as well as Firebug in Firefox. The module will also discuss which aspects of HTML5 should be used in a modern website design.
Topics Covered
- Overview of branding, website design, and usability best practices
- Determining the target audiences
- Cross-browser compatibility
- Tablets and mobile devices
- Web designer tools for working with HTML and CSS
- What do you need to know about HTML5?
Module 02: SharePoint and Branding Assets Overview
This module explains how SharePoint 2016 processes pages in a SharePoint site by integrating .aspx pages together with master pages and CSS. You will learn about the standard SharePoint branding elements added to every sites such as the Master Page Gallery and the master pages included out of the box. The module also explains the difference between site pages and application pages from the perspective of a web designer. The final section of this module introduces the new Composed Looks feature of SharePoint 2016 and shows how it can be used to change the look and feel of the current site.
Topics Covered
- SharePoint page processing architecture
- Overview of SharePoint branding assets
- Working with .aspx pages and master pages
- Understanding application pages
- Applying a Composed Look
Module 03: Team Sites versus Publishing Site
This module discusses essential differences between Team sites and Publishing sites. You will learn about the SharePoint 2016 Publishing features and how you can use them to create and manage a custom brand. The course also explains the function of the SharePoint Groups within a Publishing site and discusses the importance of the Approver group. You will also learn about the architecture used to publish structured content using which includes the Pages library, publishing page and page layouts. The final section of this module discusses the SharePoint publishing process to build your understanding of when various types of branding files need to be checked in and/or approved.
Topics Covered
- Anatomy of a Team site
- Anatomy of a Publishing site
- SharePoint Groups in a Publishing site
- Branding features in a Publishing site
- Introduction to Publishing pages and Page Layouts
- Understanding Check-in and Approval requirements
Module 04: Design Manager
This module provides an in depth look at what the Design Manager is and its role in branding SharePoint Publishing sites. You will learn how to create a branded SharePoint site from an HTML and CSS prototype. This module will introduce the Snippet Gallery, which will be discussed in further detail in Modules 5 and 7, and Device Channels, which will be addressed in detail in Module 10. The final section of this module will cover creating, exporting, and importing Design Packages.
Topics Covered
- Introduction to Design Manager
- Mapping a drive to a Publishing site
- Converting pure HTML pages into SharePoint Master Pages
- Working with Design Manager Snippets
- Configuring Device Channels
- Design Packages
Module 05: Master Pages
This module is dedicated to learning and customizing master pages. The first section proves a thorough walk through of seattle.master, reviewing necessary placeholders, server controls, and their location within the master page. You will also learn about the additional placeholders and server controls available in the Snippet Gallery, and their uses. The next section covers configuring the Ribbon, as well as navigation options.
Topics Covered
- Walkthrough of seatle.master
- Named Placeholders in SharePoint 2016
- Server controls used in SharePoint Master Pages
- Configuring the Ribbon and Navigation
- Designing your own Starter Master Page
Module 06: Using CSS in SharePoint 2016
This module teaches students best practices for working with CSS in SharePoint. The module begins with an overview of CSS in SharePoint, then discusses the role of corev15.css, and how to work with and around it. The next section covers implementing a custom CSS and takes a deep dive into the use of browser Web Developer Tools to target and override default SharePoint styles.
Topics Covered
- Overview of CSS in SharePoint
- Understanding the role of corev15.css
- Styling a SharePoint site using a custom CCS file
- Reverse-engineering HTML and CSS using Web Designer Tools
- Best practices in writing and maintaining CSS for SharePoint
Module 07: Page Layouts
This module provides students with the knowledge to create custom page layouts. The first sections covers the role of Page Layouts in SharePoint. Next is an overview of site columns and content types, their roles and uses, and how to create custom site columns and content types. You will then learn how to make page layouts using SharePoint Designer, as well as how to use the Design Manager. The final section covers managing content types and page layouts in a publishing site.
Topics Covered
- Overview of Page Layouts
- Working with Site Columns and Content Types
- Creating Page Layouts with SharePoint Designer 2016
- Creating Page Layouts with Design Manger.
- Configuring Page Layouts in a Publishing Site
Module 08: Web Parts & XSLT
This module covers the use of web parts, and styling them using CSS and xslt. First is an overview of the many of the OOB we parts available in SharePoint 2016, and how to add and configure them on page. The lecture then moves on to styling web parts. This will provide a basic overview of xslt and simple ways to use it with CSS to customize the look of web parts.
Topics Covered
- Overview of Web Parts in SharePoint 2016
- The Table of Content Web Part
- The Summary Links Web Part
- The Content Query Web Part
- Customizing Web Part Display using XSLT
Module 09: Display Templates and Content by Search Web Part
This module covers the use of content by search and customizing the result display with display templates. The module begins with a quick overview
of javascript and how it is used in display templates. The next section addresses adding and configuring a search web part on a page. The lecture then moves on to the different types of display templates, how they are used, and how to customize them to suit your design needs.
Topics Covered
- World's Fastest JavaScript Primer
- Using the Content Web Search (CBS) Web Part
- Introduction to Display Templates in SharePoint 2016
- Customizing the CBS Web Part using Display Templates
Module 10: Responsive Design & Device Channels
This module covers responsive design and implementing it using device channels. We will review responsive design and its use for optimizing websites for mobile devices. The next section will cover implementing responsive design online using media queries. Then you will learn about device channels, a tool provided by SharePoint to implement responsive design on your SharePoint site. We will set up custom device channels with custom master pages and CSSs. The last section covers modifying layouts for use in multiple device channels.
Topics Covered
- Introduction to Responsive Design
- Understanding Media Queries
- Adding responsive design to an HTML layout using CSS
- Configuring a Device Channel with a custom master pages for mobile devices
- Customizing a page layouts for specific device channels
Module 11: Composed Looks
This module covers creating and applying a customized composed look to a team site. The module begins by reviewing the OOB look, and how to make simple modifications to them. Next you will learn to create custom font and color files that can be used to create a composed look. The last section addresses when and how to create a custom master page and CSS to add to the font and color files to create a fully branded team site.
Topics Covered
- Anatomy of a Composed Look
- Creating an .spfont file for a custom Composed Look
- Creating an .spcolor file using the Color Palette Tool
- Creating and Configuring Custom Composed Looks
- Packaging and Distribution
Module 12: Advanced Publishing SharePoint Features
This module gives an overview of some of the advanced features provided in SharePoint 2016. Discussions will include using variations for global sites, setting up the term store for use of managed navigation and friendly urls, and implementing catalogs and cross site publishing.
Topics Covered
- Working with Variations
- Configuring Friendly URLs with Managed Navigation
- Understanding Catalog Sites and Cross-site Publishing
- Importing a Term set to Configure Managed Navigation